The Vall d'Erro and Roncesvalles in full connection!

The Vall d'Erro and Roncesvalles bet on the shared fiber optic network model Guifi·net with the aim of providing more sustainable, faster Internet, with local operators and promoting the local economy.

The fiber optic network...


Grow the network and save on the monthly line cost, for life, by being part of the shared network!

With full coverage

We reach all homes and businesses, without discrimination.

We eliminate the digital divide!


Neighbors can choose between different local operators.

We strengthen a strong local economy that allows our community to grow sustainably.

Frequently asked questions

TheNetworkofFiber Opticsof theVall d'ErroandRoncesvalles(Navarra) is an initiative promoted by theCity Councilof theVall d'Erro, theCity CouncilofRoncesvallesand theGuifi·net Foundation. It also counts on the collaboration and participation of thecitizensandthree operatorsthat offer Internet and telephone services:Evel, Sisnet, and Wikai.

The aim of the project is to deploy a shared telecommunications network to provide Internet access through fiber optics to any home, business, or establishment in the municipalities of Vall d'Erro and Roncesvalles.

Unlike conventional models, where the ownership of the network is in the hands of a single operator that deploys and exploits it at the same time, a shared network is an infrastructure that is used as a common good: it is of all those actors who have invested and who use it. Moreover, it is managed through a series of mechanisms that ensure and prevent anyone from appropriating it, as happens in the management of communal pastures or forests.

This model has advantages, such as:

  • - Having an open, free, and neutral network.

  • - Sharing the same network with multiple operators, preventing monopolies.

  • - It is more environmentally sustainable because infrastructure is not duplicated.

  • - It reduces costs.

  • - Users can choose from different commercial options.

  • - It prevents profit from being made from the infrastructure.

We offer a maximum of1,000 symmetrical Mbpsexpandable in the future, which is the same as1 Gbps. This figure meets the needs of any user. The actual capacity and bandwidth guaranteed will be what the user contracts with the operator.

Yes, users are the ones who decide which operator to contract and which offers they like best. Moreover, they can change operators participating in the network whenever they want because there are no commitments.Here you can check the operators.

Contact theoperatorsthat offer Internet and telephone services.

The Guifi·net Foundation guarantees that the network can be used on equal terms by any operator that wants to offer services. Moreover, it ensures that good commercial and management practices are applied, as well as the resolution of possible conflicts between operators.

Do you have questions?

Contact us atfundacio@guifi.netor call623 52 65 29

City Council of the Vall d'Erro

City Council of Roncesvalles