A community network
The optical fiber infrastructure managed as a common good
The network is built and managed with the collaboration of the different actors involved; whether through a contribution, investing to extend the network, or connecting to it. This way, equality of conditions is guaranteed for those who wish to be users of the network. Through the common network:
We defendthehuman right to access quality Internetat a fair price and without discrimination. We eliminate the digital divide between urban and rural areas.
We promotesocialeconomylocalandcollaborative. We bet on the development of local operators that provide Internet services.
How is it financed?
The necessary investment to carry out the project is achieved through many agents, including the citizens themselves and the Foundation.
How can I reduce the price?
We give you the option to eliminate the concept of 'line fee' from your monthly bill. This way, your rate will be significantly reduced by not including this concept. You can do this by contributing to the financing of the project through a donation to the Guifi Foundation. net .
More frequently asked questions
What is the amount of the contribution?
In the case of Marata and the Turó de les Mentides, it is acontribution of 1,500€tax deductible and serves to cover thecost of bringingthe networkto your homeorbusiness. By making this contribution in the form of a donation:
-You will cover your part of the infrastructure.
- You will not have to pay this concept in your monthly rate for life. Currently, it is adiscount of 17€ on the monthly billwhich corresponds to what conventional operators call 'line fee'.
Example in case of making a contribution: if your monthly bill is 45€, you would only have to pay 28€ for Internet access service, as the infrastructure would already be covered.
- Moreover, this1,500€ can be deductedon the Income Tax Declaration. In the case of individuals, the deduction is up to 39.5% of the amount and, in the case of legal entities, 35%.
Is it mandatory to make a contribution?
It is not mandatory to make a donation as long as other resources or a bulk of donations from the other participants can be found to cover the projects. But it is important to know that this way, you also help to extend the network to the other neighbors in the area, thus making Internet accessible to everyone and eliminating the digital divide.
How can I make a contribution?
You have two ways to make the payment:
Through theweb sectionof our website by entering your personal data (especially those on your ID) and those of your card.
Or you have the option to do it through the SEPA mandate. We will send you the document that orders the bank direct debit on paper.
When can I make the contribution?
You have the option to make the contribution in a single payment (1,500€).
Or split into two (750*2) or up to three payments (500*3).
In the case of being split, the payments must be made during the months following the first payment. You can make half of the payment before installation and the other half once connected.
The split contributions can be in the name of different people; it will only be necessary to inform the Foundation for which home, business, or operation they are. Each person making a contribution receives their donation certificate so that they can deduct their corresponding part. That is, two/three people living in the same household can make the split contribution (intended for the installation of a connection) up to 1,500€, so that each can deduct their amount.
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