What is the Common Network of guifi.netnet?
The common network of guifi.net is a infrastructure ( radio link and fiber optic ) of telecommunications that hasmultiple owners and participants:
Operator companies that provide Internet access service to the user and/or invest in the deployment of the network.
Users who connect to the network and/or make donations to promote deployment projects throughout the territory.
Public administrations that also invest in deployments.
Neighborhood associations that promote projects to bring Internet to their areas.
Volunteers who also help to promote the guifi.net project.
This shared networkis used as a common goodand, in the case of fiber optic, translates into the fact that different operators, signatories of the agreement with guifi.net, can use the same cabling to offer Internet access service to the end user.

The principles of the Common Network of guifi.net
Open:because it is universally offered for everyone's participation without exclusions or discriminations.
Free:because everyone can do what they want and enjoy the content that circulates there.
Neutral:because it ensures the non-interference of governmental organizations in the contents that circulate or in the technologies used.