Who we are

    Strategic Plan 2022


            Access to the internet is a human right recognized by the UN in 2011.

            • From the Foundation we aim to establish asolidarity internet access network, alternative to monopolies, and thatpromotes the collaborative economywithin the commons network.

            • We promote necessary mechanisms so that the internet is accessible to all people without socio-economic, cultural and territorial discrimination.

            • We open the doors to the digital world!


            • The guifi Foundation. net is born with thewill to drive and promote a free, open and neutral shared telecommunications networkbased on a commons model.

            • We work to build asolidarity, sustainable and local alternative; throughinnovative technological solutions that allowinternet access without discrimination.


              The Foundation guifi· net has the following objectives:

              • Promote and encourage the development of open information and communication infrastructure networks, with a universal and non-discriminatory vocation.

              • Promote and encourage the universal right to communication and information, to the exchange of knowledge, to freedom of expression and to the public and private exchange of opinions and information through open networks and infrastructures.

              • Promote and encourage the right to access the Internet, regardless of where one is, helping to develop a society without a digital divide for socio-economic or residency reasons.

              • Promote and encourage the right to open technological standards, not subject to patents and discriminatory conditions , such as unnecessary complexity in machinery and software .

              • Promote advanced research in the field of open networks and infrastructures.

              • Generate collaboration platforms between civil society, the public and private sectors.

              • Establish relationships and collaborations with like-minded people and entities towards the objectives of the Foundation, participating in common projects.

              • Promote the defense of the management of the radio spectrum to achieve regulations that facilitate the right to have open networks, promoting the existence of spaces that do not require licenses, ensuring good common management to avoid the saturation of unlicensed frequency bands used privately by closed networks.

              • Develop, edit, publish and disseminate studies, proposals and analyses related to the aims of the Foundation and organize courses, seminars, conferences or materials to disseminate the foundational objectives.