
Memories and accounts

The Guifi Foundation net periodically publishes the activity report and the annual accounts after the closure of the financial year.

Activity report 2022

The Foundation has continued with the projects that were initiated in previous years.

Annual accounts 2022:
Activity report 2022:

Odoo • Text i Imatge
Odoo • Imatge i text

Activity report 2021

A year of learning, changes, and improvements, with new tools, ongoing projects, and new users connected to the commons network across the territory. Thecovidhas continued to be part of the new normality and the need to enjoy a good connection has become evident once again.

A year in which the Foundationguifi.nethas had to prioritize projects, objectives, and restructure and expand the team in order to provide the necessary services to the ecosystem and continue connecting through the commons network.

Annual accounts 2021:
Activity report 2021:

Activity report 2020

Despite the pandemic caused by Covid-19, the Foundation has continued to work to bring broadband Internet access to areas where coverage is non-existent or deficient. This is possible thanks to the support of operators, citizens, and administrations that believe in our model. In this report, you can consult the projects of this 2020, activities we have participated in, and other interesting data.

Annual accounts 2020:

Activity report 2019

Annual accounts 2019:

Activity report 2018

You can consult which European projects we have participated in throughout 2018, which new deployments have been carried out or are being developed, the donations received, or events and fairs we have attended.

Thanks once again to all those people who make the project possible!

Annual accounts 2018:

Activity report 2017

Annual accounts 2017:

Activity report 2016

Annual accounts 2016 :


      Annual accounts
      Activity Report


      Annual accounts
      Activity Report


      Annual accounts
      Activity Report


      Annual accounts
      Activity Report


      Annual accounts
      Activity Report


      Annual accounts
      Activity Report


      Annual accounts
      Activity Report


      Annual accounts
      Activity Report