We want to highlight that despite having experienced a year with an exceptional and complicated situation, from Guifi·net Foundation we have continued working to provide broadband Internet access with maximum security. And we will continue to do so.
We want to thank the impetus and effort made and continued by the operators, governments, volunteers, and citizens for continuing to believe in our social and transformative telecommunications project. Thank you once again.
In this report you can check the different projects started during 2020 and currently being developed, the activities in which we have had the opportunity to participate and those we have organized, the donation data received for projects and/or areas, and a compilation of press.
Briefly, it is worth mentioning the ZOZ project (Zuntz Optikoa Zumaia) for fiber optic expansion in the town of Zumaia (Basque Country) driven by the City Council and involving the collaboration of four operators offering services to the population.
We also want to highlight the GRETA Network project, the telecommunications network of Les Garrigues, Ribera d'Ebre, and Terra Alta. The project, promoted by the citizen platform #Enstoquenlafibra and the Ascó City Council, started in Ascó and is already present in the neighboring municipality of Flix, where five operators provide Internet and telephone services.
Finally, we want to reflect on how the pandemic has made even more evident the need to provide quality connection to all individuals in order to develop in their day-to-day lives, both personally and professionally. Therefore, Internet and various virtual platforms have enabled maintaining and promoting social contact and the development of various economic and professional activities of citizens.

Memòria d'Activitats 2020 de la Fundació Guifi·net