Comunicat de la Fundació guifi·net davant la censura a Internet a Espanya


Private Foundation for the Open, Free and Neutral Network

Statement from the Guifi Foundation·net regarding the new internet censorship in Spain

From the Guifi Foundation·net , a non-profit organization that works to promote access and neutrality on the Internet, we want to denounce the closure of the website by order of the Judicial Authority because it considers there are signs of terrorism. 

We see how the Spanish State repeats practices like those carried out on October 1, 2017, seriously affecting fundamental rights of citizens such as the right to participate in the digital society. For this reason, from the Guifi Foundation·net we want to state that: 

  1. The Internet is a human right, recognized by the UN in a statement in June 2011, and essential for the exercise of fundamental rights, such as, among others, freedom of expression, opinion, and demonstration. 

  2. Network neutrality is a principle we have defended and will always defend, as it implies non-discrimination, diversity, the possibility of innovation, and freedom of access and distribution of information. Hence the great potential to give voice to citizens. 

  3. We denounce that blocking a website that invites peaceful civil disobedience is an abusive practice, and doing so with the accusation of terrorism is inappropriate for a democratic state.  

Therefore, from the Guifi Foundation·net we reject these abusive practices and reaffirm our commitment to continue working for the promotion of an Open, Free and Neutral Internet as a defense of the exercise of fundamental rights of citizens. 

Gurb, October 23, 2019.

Desplegament de fibra òptica fins a les capitals de comarca
The Catalan Government orders the tender for the works