Jornada d'operadors i instal·ladors

In-depth and strategy aimed at operators and installers in

Operators and installers in are an important figure in the deployment and sustainability model of the shared network, based on internal expertise to improve the capabilities available to users

The evolution of the project, the development of professional activities on the network, and experiences in technical-economic developments, together with the correlations between the different actors involved and strategic approaches, require continuous updating and knowledge to work together for maturity and constant evolution.


  • Understand the foundation's approach to measures aimed at improving the maturity of the technical-economic model of the shared network
  • Reflect together on the role of people engaged in economic activity on the network
  • Know the proposal of the experience developed during 2014 and the Foundation's proposal for 2015, focused on improvement strategy
  • Present the increase in tax deductions introduced by the tax reform with tax effects from January 1, 2015

17.00 to 17.10 - Welcome
17.10 to 19.30 - The shared network and tools for improving capabilities
19.30 to 20.00 - The new tax deduction scenario

Date and time
Friday, February 20, 2015, from 5 to 8 p.m.

UPC Campus Nord
Building C6, Room E-106
C/ Jordi Girona, 1-3
08034 Barcelona

Registration Closed

La fibra òptica comunitària de Guifi·net arriba a Zumaia (País Basc)