denounced to Europe the non-application of the Telecommunications and Competition regulations.

The Foundation presents a complaint to the European Ombudsman to urge the European Commission to act against the malpractice os Spanish administrations and ensure compliance with the European regulations on Telecommunications and Competition.
Dia y hora: Friday, October 26th, 1pm. Location: Headquarters of the European Commission in Barcelona (Passeig de Gràcia, 90). On Friday, October 26th, the Foundation filed a complaint at the headquarters of the European Commission in Barcelona (Paseo de Gracia, 90) describing conflicting economic interests, malpractices, and entry barriers exercised by regional and state public administrations. The decision to file the complaint arises from a series of multiple events that have caused continuous and systematic breaches of European regulations on telecommunications and competition, specifically RD 330/2016, of September 9th, concerning measures to reduce the cost of deploying high-speed electronic communications networks, transposing Directive 2014/61/EU of the European Parliament, enabling public communications network providers access to existing physical infrastructures, regardless of their location. Incorrect actions, as well as the omission of duty to act in some cases, occur at all levels of the administration and in different competency areas, leading to a deadlock situation that makes's common network development projects unviable, an infrastructure with the main goal of reaching the entire territory for all households, thus ending the digital divide. The Foundation is a non-profit entity of general interest that advocates for internet access as a human right (recognized by the United Nations in 2011) and works to promote a common, open, free, and neutral telecommunications network based on a commons model. More information at: +34 621201773
Comunicado sobre la soberanía tecnológica y el consumo responsable